portfolio project genre posting

Genre posting.

For my portfolio project i’ve chosen, a  film opening that is based on an “Social Drama/Crime”, social drama  films often contain themes such as alcoholism, drug addiction, infidelity, moral conflicts, racial prejudice, religious intolerance, sexuality, poverty, class divisions, and corruption are presented in these drama films, since  Drama films often, but not always, have a tragic ending or painful resolution. The  
choosing of this genre came from a previous life experience that pushed me to base my project on these topics, but specifically into the subgenre that is “American drama”. In recent years various forms of media have sought out to criticize the american government, and its culture in the maltreatment of minority groups, from wage inequality,to segregated neighborhoods, and police brutality

 Films like Boyz N the Hood, by John singleton which describes the harsh social conditions that young african american adolescent experience, and films in more modern context such as Icebox, which is a film that shines light on the questionable conditions in which the government has contained the children of undocumented immigrants. 

In the film opening of Boyz N the Hood  the film opening is centralized on the life of the main character trey and the occuring events, and characters  that surround him, however the film opening/ trailer also greatly foreshadows, the plot, and social conflicts that the movie appears to contain. In the film Icebox  the trailer begins with with the main character, Oscar who is a child that has been sent to cross the southern border illegally for better opportunity in the us, however upon arrival police intervenes the caravan and detain the immigrants, showing cuts of the abuse that took place inside the detention center. Both film openings greatly depict not only their own story, but the social conflicts behind the films.



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