
Showing posts from November, 2020

The truth about Obesity

              With an increasing forty-five percent of all American adults classified as minorly, to morbidly obese it is without question it poses serious problems to our future society and its way of life. The fight on obesity has been an ongoing, and increasing battle with driving factors like the fast-food chains, junk food prices, substandard Food, and drug regulations, and more. Our rate of obesity among young adults, and people ages 30 through 65 are reaching rates of about 40, to 50 percent obese, and that itself is a very alarming rate amongst adults, in fact, the rates themselves have increased from 30 to 40 percent from 1999 to now. Alongside the increasing rates there lies a deeper issue, a failure to recognize the problem with new social movement groups, and body positivity movements arising, new groups like the health at every size they are beginning to send very misdirecting, and harmful ideas to those who seek acceptance. We as a society must re-establish health guide